Reluctantly after we'd taken loads of photo's it was time to jump back in the horsebox and carry on our journey to Ullapool.
I really didn't know which way to look first there was so many stunning scenes to see. Little streams with icy cold water rushing past snow covered rocks. More icicles where the winter sun had melted the snow and then frozen it again. Pine tree boughs bent low with the weight of the snow. Then as I was drinking in all these fabulous sights *CRASH*. A lorry driving past us had pulled out to pass some parked up cars, and had hit Andys rear view mirror with such force that the mirror smashed into drivers window and shattered it into hundreds of pieces. It was nothing short of a miracle that Andy, who took the brunt of the shattering glass only got one cut on his ear, it could have been so much worse. Andy jumped out the horsebox only to see the lorry driver dissapearing into the distance. None of us managed to see what company owned the lorry because it happened so quickly, but I'm pretty sure the driver would have gone back to his bosses with a story of how someone had hit him and carried on driving !!!
Annoyed that the driver hadn't stopped Andy drove on to the nearest layby, but grateful that none of us had got more than a scratch. Once parked up at the layby we all started picking up the shattered glass, I was furthest away from the window but there was even glass in my handbag on the floor, and I had a cut on my foot where the glass had hit me. Resourceful as ever Andy dissapeared into the back of the horsebox and came back clutching a replacement mirror, which he'd found previously while rummaging around in the scrap yard. Ten minutes later the mirror was fixed on and we were off on our travels again, fresh mountains air blasting through the missing window.Andy remarking " Ochhhh its all part of the adventure !! "
The journey on continued on with even more stunning scenery, it was like looking at real life Christmas cards, and much to my delight even more stags dotted on the landscape. Eventually we reached Ullapool, a lovely little seaside village. We parked up in a Tesco's car park and while Mel and I got out to do a bit of shopping, Andy jumped into the back of the horsebox to checkout what the signal was like for his laptop. He was well chuffed to find there was a great one, and decided that this would be a perfect place to come once a week if there was a bad signal wherever they parked up next time.
Miniature Witchy Potion Jars
18 hours ago
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