Saturday, 27 December 2008

A quick trip

Well today we'll be off to a quick trip to my oldest daughter, to see her and her family, and hand out some slightly late Xmas pressie's. Although it's always great to see them, their house is always extremely hot, which is quite a problem at times as I have to be very frugal with heating here. It's a bit like living in a greenhouse for a few days and I really don't need to grow any more lol !! Also as they are a non smoking household, there's many trips to stand on the freezing cold back doorstep, for a few quick puffs :o(

As always I'm totally disorganised, nothings been packed yet. The car needs to be checked for water and oil, although we did do the tyre pressures a few days ago lol. So I better get off here, feed and water the dog, get some breakfast, have a bath and pack my stuff.

A group photo yesterday at my daughters when her 3 older kids came to visit.


My daughters 5 kids, from back left Martin, Jamie, front left Rheanna( known as Ragz) Lacey Mae is the little cutey in the centre and Hayley on the end.

My daughter Emma and her hubbie Sparky.

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