Here I am back again, and so quickly too, not like me I know ...but I'm in a writing mood so where better to waffle than on my blog.
The weather here in the UK has at long last turned a little bit more winter like, gone are mild and wet days ...hoorah. Back are cold, frosty and sometimes foggy days. I love this kind of weather, heavy frosts turn the most boring of plants into sparkling white works of art. It also means we have to try and get as much wood as we can, to keep the house warm. Going out on wood runs is one of my favourite things to do, I love being out and about in the crisp cold weather, and feeling the rush when we spy some nice seasoned wood lying on the ground just ready for being sawn up and taken home.
Jim bought a trailer for his bike, specifically for carrying the wood home on, it also comes in quite handy for when we do big food shops too. A lot of this week already had prearranged things for Jim to do, so today was the first proper day we've had this week to go out and do two wood runs. What a successful day it was too, not only two loads of normal wood, but also loads of kindling courtesy of a skip on the way to get our 2nd load. My job is to do the kindling, I can't climb all over the place like Jim does, so I sit on my scooter quite happily breaking up smaller pieces of wood, as we've had so much rain here the ground was sodden and both Jim and I ended up with our boots covered in mud !!! Jim's boots of course are proper boots, mine however are silly black suede fashion boots, so you can imagine what they look like after an afternoon of using them to smash up bits of wood on a muddy path lol. So I've bitten the bullet and ordered some half decent ones off Ebay lol.
Yesterday Jim went off for another bike ride, this time with his mate Jon Hodkin as he was down from the Western Isles of Scotland for a couple of days. The aim of the bike ride was to get Jon some practise on for his forth coming bike ride across Canada for charity. Jon has done many bike rides with his tuba across the country, doing workshops in schools,
Inner Tuba is Jons website, on here you will see not only see details of his up and coming tour of Canada in 2014, but also if you click on the tab " detailed article " you can read all about Jon's other tours, it's a very interesting read.
As always a few photo's to go with my ramblings.
Firstly a couple of fungi photo's .
Next a very atmospheric photo of Glasson Docks in the fog.
This is Jons bike that he will use to travel across Canada.
Finally a photo of Jim's trailer loaded up with wood.