Oh dear, this is a week where I should be packing and cleaning with gusto. Instead, my sleep pattern has gone out the window and I'm waking up at 3am all the time. This is leaving me tired, low and demotivated, all the time even when I do manage to grab an hours sleep during the day.
My daughter and I had one day where we attacked the house with hot soapy water and cloths, and this has made me realise what lousy housewifey skills I've really got. How the hell did all those spiders webs appear without me even noticing, was there really that much dust on the skirting boards, how did everything I wipe clean manage to get so many stray dog hairs on it. We've vowed that in the next house we'll really make an effort (yes I can hear you laughing, those of you that know me offline !!)
I haven't even managed to do much of my latest mosaic either, which is annoying. I also need to put hanging loops on some angels as the gallery has run out of them. On the upside, I had a phone call off Mike at the gallery this week to say the last guitar had just sold at the gallery. Perfect timing, hopefully that will cover the cost of laminate flooring in the front room at the new house. My daughters been watching " how to lay laminate flooring" video's online in hopes that we'll be able to manage to do it ourselves.
For some reason my slideshow on here has stopped working which is very annoying. I've tried redoing it, using a different photo hosting site, in fact everything I can possibly think of, but it just won't work :o(
I had an email off the housing lady this week, saying she hadn't received the keys back off the maintenance men yet. That was a bit of a blow as we'd hoped we could have moved in this weekend. Oh well ...never mind.
Miniature Curiosities
21 hours ago
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