Sadly Jim's father in laws mental and physical health have continued to deteriorate, which has meant he isn't going to be able to continue living at home safely any more. So a lot of time recently has been spent with meetings with various official bodies etc, to find him somewhere to stay until such time as a permanent and suitable home can be found that can cope with both his physical and mental health issues. All of which takes time as you can imagine, there are nursing homes that can deal with either one issue or the other, one that can deal with a combination isn't quite so easy. But all is in hand, and seeing as two of Jim's daughters are in the nursing profession this means that they can for see or at least be alerted very quickly when Johns needs aren't being dealt with properly, which is what has happened this past week. Anyway enough of all this.
We've had some beautiful sunny days here, along with some days where torrential rain has ruled. But all in all not too bad a summer so far. But the odd sunny day does spoil us a little, and we get to enjoy the heat of that bright yellow thing in the sky lol. Unseasonable weather does seem to be happening everywhere on our planet lately though, my penpal Terry in USA at the moment is having to deal with rain and clouds, in an area which normally only see's sun in the summer, unlike us in the UK.
Jim and I have managed to get out and about despite the various things going on with his father in law and a personal issue with another family member. Apart from our usual wanderings along the river and canal which we do all the time. We've been going off to Hest Bank and also over to Morecambe too. I've really enjoyed going over to Morecambe, as it has the usual seaside events which I quite enjoy, such as a sandcastle festival etc. In the coming weeks there's a blues weekend, which weather permitting we'll go to, and also a kite flying festival we fancy having a look at as well. So happy times and things to look forward to.
Yesterday on the way back from town via the canal, I spotted some beautiful metallic blue dragonflies, and whats more they were settling on some lily pads right by the bank. IF I'd have had my big camera with me I could have got some amazing shots of these lovely creatures. But I shall be taking my big camera with me more often now I've spotted this tiny area where there's a chance I might get a decent photo of them. Last night we also went out on a wander hoping to catch a photo of the almost full moon, coming up behind Lancaster Castle, of course just as the time was right it clouded over and any hopes of getting a good picture had gone. So we came home again via the canal ( a different part of it this time ) and much to my surprise I saw my second ever kingfisher, no chance of a photo of course they're much too fast.
I seem to have lost my craft motivation altogether, I haven't been able to settle down to do anything at all since before Christmas. I've got lots of new toys to use and lots of inspiration but when it comes down to actually getting anything done ...well that's a different story. I think a big part of it is that, now I've got so much more mobility than I used to, sitting in the house isn't such an interesting proposition any more.
Here's a few of my favourite photo's that I've taken recently
Aren't these the cutest things ever, I could have watched them all day.

An action shot from on the river just down the road from us.

Finally a fern just beginning to open its fronds.